This is an exact copy of the guarantee you receive at the beginning of training in the premier basic or advanced programs:
We realize there is always some concern about the quality of work that will be done with your pet. That is why we offer this guarantee. If at any time after the completion of training in any of our premiere programs you are not satisfied with the promised results, you may request additional work be done with you and your dog. If that does not solve the problem to your satisfaction, simply ask for a full refund. The only condition to this guarantee is that you have followed our recommendations for handling your dog. We are also on retainer for the rest of the life of your dog. The retainer simply means we will be there to support you as your relationship grows with your dog. We will be troubleshooters if your pet throws you a curve, advisers to ensure good maintenance, and guides if you decide to do further training with your dog. This is provided at no additional cost to you.
Dog Name:_________________________
Trainer:______________ Client:________________
Date:________________ Date:________________